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  • 主要功能:"PPMS系统是在一个控制的低温和强磁场平台上,集成全自动的磁学、电学、热学等各种物性测量手段。这样的设计使得整个系统的低温和强磁场环境得到了充分的利用;一个PPMS系统由基本系统和各种测量和拓展功能选件构成:基本系统提供低温和强磁场的环境,以及整个系统的软硬件控制中心;用户在基本系统平台的基础上选择自己感兴趣的各种测量选件和拓展功能选件。对于绝大多数常规实验项目,PPMS已经设计好了全自动的测量软件,和具有标准测量功能的硬件,如交直流电阻率、磁电阻、微分电阻、霍尔系数、伏安特性、磁滞回线、热磁曲线、比热等等。 PPMS system is a controlled low temperature and high magnetic field platform, the integration of automatic magnetic, electrical, thermal and other physical property measurement means. This design makes full use of the low temperature and strong magnetic field environment of the whole system; A PPMS system consists of the basic system and a variety of measurement and extension function options: the basic system provides a low temperature and high magnetic field environment, and the software and hardware control center of the whole system; On the basis of the basic system platform, users can select various measurement options and extended function options that they are interested in. For the vast majority of conventional experimental projects, PPMS has designed fully automated measurement software and hardware with standard measurement functions, such as AC-DC resistivity, magnetoresistance, differential resistance, Hall coefficient, voltammetry characteristics, hysteresis loops, thermomagnetic curves, specific heat, and so on."
  • 主要技术指标:"1.温度范围:1.8 -400 k; 2.温度稳定性:±0.1% (T < 20 K),±0.02% (T > 20 K);(典型的); 3.温度精度:±1%; 4. 冷却时间:40分钟(典型;时间从300k稳定到1.9 K); 5. 磁场范围:±9T; 6. 场均匀度:9 T:轴上3cm±0.01%; 7. 最大现场充电速率:9 T: 200 Oe/s; 8. 最小现场充电速率:9 T: 0.1 Oe/s; 9. 高真空:< 0.1 mTorr; 10. 测量选项:交流电阻(ETO),直流电阻,水平旋转杆,高压电输运,振动样品磁强计(VSM), VSM高温选件,高压磁性,扭矩磁力仪,比热容,热输运(TTO),稀释制冷机选件,多功能样品杆。 1.Temperature Range: 1.8-400K; 2.Temperature Stability: ± 0.1% (T < 20 K), ± 0.02% (T > 20 K); (typical); 3.Temperature Accuracy: ± 1%; 4. Cool Down Time: 40 minutes (typical; time to stable 1.9 K from 300 K); 5. Field Range: ± 9 T; 6. Field Uniformity: 9 T: ± 0.01% over 3 cm on-axis; 7. Max Field Charging Rate: 9 T: 200 Oe/s; 8. Min Field Charging Rate:9 T: 0.1 Oe/s; 9. High Vacuum: < 0.1 mTorr; 10. Measurement Options: AC Resistance (ETO), DC Resistance, Horizontal Rotator, Pressure Cell (Transport), Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM), VSM Oven, Pressure Cell (Magnetometry), Torque Magnetometry, Heat Capacity, Thermal Transport Option (TTO), Dilution Refrigerator, Multi-Function Probes."
  • 主要学科领域:材料科学
  • 服务内容:"PPMS系统是在一个控制的低温和强磁场平台上,集成全自动的磁学、电学、热学等各种物性测量手段。这样的设计使得整个系统的低温和强磁场环境得到了充分的利用;一个PPMS系统由基本系统和各种测量和拓展功能选件构成:基本系统提供低温和强磁场的环境,以及整个系统的软硬件控制中心;用户在基本系统平台的基础上选择自己感兴趣的各种测量选件和拓展功能选件。对于绝大多数常规实验项目,PPMS已经设计好了全自动的测量软件,和具有标准测量功能的硬件,如交直流电阻率、磁电阻、微分电阻、霍尔系数、伏安特性、磁滞回线、热磁曲线、比热等等。 PPMS system is a controlled low temperature and high magnetic field platform, the integration of automatic magnetic, electrical, thermal and other physical property measurement means. This design makes full use of the low temperature and strong magnetic field environment of the whole system; A PPMS system consists of the basic system and a variety of measurement and extension function options: the basic system provides a low temperature and high magnetic field environment, and the software and hardware control center of the whole system; On the basis of the basic system platform, users can select various measurement options and extended function options that they are interested in. For the vast majority of conventional experimental projects, PPMS has designed fully automated measurement software and hardware with standard measurement functions, such as AC-DC resistivity, magnetoresistance, differential resistance, Hall coefficient, voltammetry characteristics, hysteresis loops, thermomagnetic curves, specific heat, and so on."
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