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  • (1)定义:振动圆二色谱是在红外波长区域测定分子圆二色性的一种方法。极大地扩展了圆二色谱法通过构象搜索、量子化学计算等手段准确预测手性分子的振动圆二色谱图,进而与实测谱图进行比较确定其绝对构型。是有效测定手性分子绝对构型的常规方法。
  • (2)说明:The predicted VCD spectrum for (S, Rmp) shows a positive band at 1541 cm-1 and negative band at 1526 cm-1, both of roughly equal magnitudes. Visualization of the vibrations responsible for this bisignate feature reveals a combination of Amide II and C-C stretching of neighboring benzene ring. All three such amide-benzene groups are participating to produce the respective vibrations along the macrocycle. The predicted VCD spectrum for (S, Smp) shows a triplet of neighboring bands, with large positive at 1513 cm-1 and two weak negative bands one on each side. Visualization of the vibrations responsible for 1513 cm-1 band reveals it to also be a concerted Amide II and benzene ring C-C stretching vibration but localized to the benzene ring closest to the stereocenter. It is somewhat difficult to draw a definitive conclusion on the AC of 1 based solely on this region of the experimental VCD spectrum. In addition, the commonly used similarity analyses between experimental and theoretical VCD spectra are unreliable when there are only a small number of spectral features for comparison (see ESI). However, there are two experimental VCD bands that have favorable comparisons with those in the predicted spectrum for (S, Rmp), but not in that for (S, Smp).
  • 文献来源:DOI: 10.1002/chir.23365

